The Film Making: The Process Of Filmmaking

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The Process of Filmmaking Filmmaking is an art like no other. It brings people together to create magnificent stories that people can view either on their television or on the big screen. The creators of film could not have imagined how far filmmaking would go and how much it would impact the world of entertainment. The invention of filmmaking has evolved over a long period of time and will continue to impact the world of entertainment. When film first started, it started as a magic lantern, which is an object that presents dinner entertainment by spinning pictures. They were also known as “motion toys”. Motion toys soon began to compete with magic lanterns and the man who created the praxiniscope developed to praxiniscope theatre which …show more content…

It is entirely possible for any amazing writer to come up with the next big movie. You could have the greatest movie ever written, but if it is not in the write format then it could easily lose the reader’s attention. So long as people follow the rules for screenwriting such as description and dialogue then it will look professional and be take seriously. Whenever you write short lines for a film it is important that you follow the same rules as screenwriting. It is also important to know that not every production company looks at every script handed to …show more content…

These movies are history lessons to the audience since they show something we were not able to witness or take part in. Consider war movies such as “The Tuskegee Airmen and Memphis Belle”. Though not one hundred percent accurate, both depict actual events of historical wars. They are examples of how movies can teach the newer generation about what their distant relatives did for their country. Another type of informative movies describes the cultures and societies around the world. “City of God” is a prime example. These movies show the hardships that people in other countries face in their day-to-day lives. Again, these are just two simple examples of how movies can be learning tools for a mass

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