The Process of Acquiring a Mother Tongue and a Second Language

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Having in mind that this investigation is going to be carried out with a group of first graders aged between six and seven years old, and that they are in the stage of life in which learners are in the process of acquiring their mother tongue (L1) and a second language (L2) as well; this theory will allow to identify the characteristics of a learner in this stage of the acquisition process.
As it is stated in Saville-Troike (2006, p. 2) “The scope of SLA includes informal L2 learning that takes place in naturalistic contexts, formal L2 learning that takes place in classrooms and L2 learning that involves a mixture of these settings and circumstances”. In this case, this research project is going to focus on the second setting presented which is the formal L2 learning in SLA, given that classroom is the place where this research study is going to be developed and results are going to be revealed.

This theory is going to be approached because it focuses on the unconscious process of the acquisition of a target language, hence, this is advantageous for young learners to learn and acq...

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