Process Drama Essay

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Drama according to the Wikipedia free encyclopedia is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance, which comes from a Greek word (drao) meaning action. A dramatic production depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes, it put the characters in conflict with themselves, others, society and even natural phenomena. According to Learning Stream, “drama is a literary composition involving conflict, action crisis and atmosphere designed to be acted by characters on a stage before an audience.”
Process drama according free Wikipedia encyclopedia is a method of teaching and learning, where both the students and teacher are working in and out of role. Cecily O'Neill, Brian Way (et al) (1995) …show more content…

The facilitator can explore the theme through the fictional context by the use of different pedagogical skills making suggestions or relations to life experiences. The use of the K.W.L. strategy can be adopted to explore this context. In this strategy the K- tells what the students know, the W- what the students want to know and the L- what the students have learnt. Exploring the different landscape of experiences they have had will help them plan their process drama production. Therefore the student should be the center of this planning, using the opportunity to make fictional associations to the theme. They will relate to real life events and experiences using what they have learnt based on emotions, to plan their drama production. The student’s role would be to use their prior knowledge and experiences to explore different scenario in everyday life to make linkage to the theme hence, the theme would be explored and narrowed. In contextualizing the topic of accepting other persons in our community, the topic could be narrowed down to a classroom scenario of accepting a new student as apart of their classroom family. Students will tell of their experiences, and then tell what they want to know about the new member of the class. Facilitator will record this information on a chart then students will create a production on the issues

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