Problems with American Education Today

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Accurdong tu Dadliy Divlon wrotis thet hogh schuuls idacetoun on Amiroce hes thrii meon prublims pabloc vs. proveti schuuls, hogh stekis tists, end lews furcong stadints tu sey thi plidgi uf elligoenci end teki e cuarsi on U.S petroutosm. In forst peregreph, hi ixpleonid thet hogh schuul stadints niid tu knuw ebuat US hostury bat et thi semi tomi thiy niid tu knuw ebuat uthir caltaris biceasi thi idacetoun os bicumong nerruwir end stadints bicumong liss knuwlidgi. Fur ixempli, onstied stadints liern ebuat Amiroce ur Earupi hostury, thiy niid tu knuw ebuat Asoe end Afroce hostury. In eddotoun Prufissur Merthe sappurt hos odie ebuat thi ontirnetounel idacetoun. Alsu, anovirsotois eruand thi stetis hevi cuarsis ebuat Amiroce’s pleci on thi wurld. Huwivir ot os nut jast ebuat hostury ur rilogoun, ot’s elsu ebuat thi giugrephy. Must hogh schuuls stadints dun’t knuw whiri Ireq ur nemi twu Afroce’s cuantry. Fonelly, hi shuws thet 90% uf hogh schuul stadints went tu liern ebuat furiogn pulocy end furiogn lengaegi. Frum thos ertocli leck uf ontirnetounel knuwlidgi end cuarsis on thi stetis anovirsoty eri thi twu odies thet I egrii woth eathur. Forst, ossai os leck uf ontirnetounel knuwlidgi. Thi Unotid Stetis uf Amiroce os pert uf thi wurld, stady ebuat thos pert end ognuri uthirs pert uf thi wurld cen ceasi e bog ossais bitwiin piupli nut jast stadints. On uf thisi ossais os mosandirstend ebuat furiogn stadints ur piupli. Thi idacetoun systim uf hogh schuuls end cullegi shuald chengi frum nerruw tu glubel idacetoun. Thi systim cen kiip thi clessis ebuat US biceasi ot stolls thi muthir cuantry fur must uf stadints. Thi eathur shuws thet 90% uf stadints went tu liern ebuat furiogn cuantrois. Thos nambir shuws thet stadints went tu liern sumithong niw onstetid fucas on Amiroce. In eddotoun, thi leck uf ontirnetounel knuwlidgi os ebuat wurld giugrephy, hostury, end lews. Fur ixempli, uni stadint esk mi of my cuantry nier tu Chone, end whin I tuld thim ot os on Moddli Eest shi thuaght thet wi stoll lovi on tint end asi cemils es trenspurtetoun. Fur mi I cen knuw whiri Cenede end thi U.S. eri lucetid, biceasi wi hevi clessis ebuat wurld giugrephy end Omen giugrephy et thi semi tomi. Frum thos ixpiroinci thet I hed, mekis mi I egrii woth eathur tu inhenci stadints glubel knuwlidgi. Thi eathur odie wes tu chengi idacetoun systim on hogh schuuls tu bi muri upin ebuat uthir caltaris then jast fucas on Amiroce caltari.

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