The Problem with My Writing

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Throughout this school year my writing has improve dramatically. I now know how to be organized and I also know how to use my sources. The problem that I still have is the hardest mountain that I must overcome, procrastination. The problem with procrastinating isn’t that I don’t want to do the work it just takes time for me to figure out how to do it. Writer’s block seems to be contagious and I think I may have caught it from a student elsewhere on campus.
Writer’s block is when a writer has no idea what should come next and their brain just goes completely blank. This is a problem for many students because when we do finally decide to write a paper we don’t really have any idea how to begin it, continue it or even end it. This causes us to panic and mix in some useless information and then this results in us receiving a poor grade. As anyone can see writer’s block is a very serious college disease. I have experienced it throughout my life and especially at the most crucial moments. For instance: AP test, final exams, and major English papers. Since this plague is so unpredictable y...

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