The Problem With Feminism Is The Misunderstanding Of Its Definition

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Contrary to what one may believe, the problem with feminism is the misunderstanding of its definition.
As a graduate of the Grier School, an all girls boarding school, one constantly gets inquiries about the nature of her education. It begins with a gesture of respect to gauge how she will react to the questions everyone yearns to know the answer to. The most common question Grier graduates hear is, “what is it like to go to school without boys?” Graduates hastily defend their alma mater with praise and insight about its empowering and positive atmosphere. Most graduates do not mention boys in their answers. They rephrase the question to the one that no one asks: “What is it like to go to school with all girls?” Most people do not realize the significance in changing two words of a question until they are the ones answering. Grier’s education is not about excluding males; it is about an education. Yet, the question remains centered around the patriarchal dimension of society that insists women cannot function the same without the presence of men. Grier’s teaching of feminism was not from a textbook or class; it came from series of realizations from shared experiences.
Feminism’s definition is the movement for women’s rights in economic, political, and social standards to be equal to those of men’s. More concisely, it is the equality between women and men. The movement became a battle in small steps. Women’s suffrage in the early 20th century marks the initial drive to pave the way for a more vigorous movement. It started to prosper with the fight for women’s suffrage in the early 20th century and has not lost its vigor. Each small gain in the women’s rights movement became part of a greater struggle for equality. Yet, women are s...

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...enable a greater potential of ideas. Feminism does not only defend equality, it defends growth in a culture where the word is presumed greedy based on misconceptions.
Inaccuracy is the attributing factor in the problem with feminism. There is feminism and there is misogyny. The intermediate is not available when speaking about human life. Women are valued or they are not valued. There is no region in which one can stand neutral on the issue. The issue surrounding feminism determines the value of human life and is not an attack on men. Men and women are equals when speaking of feminism. It means that a homemaker is worth the same as her working husband. It means a son believes his mother deserves to be treated with the same rights as himself. It does not mean that one vocally identifies as an activist but simply recognizes the right to equality between men and women.

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