Persuasive Essay About Drinking

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Two years ago at the age of 16, just another Saturday afternoon in Fillmore, California, a day to be filled with good memories and laughs, well that is what I had guessed. Walking into a room where the party was being held and the cups filled with drinks the color of the rainbow, and the stench of demons waiting to reach your soul filled the air. Alcohol has never been a necessity to me, but to my family now that is a different story. Everyone in my family drinks, legal or not, but myself on the other hand never saw the need for it. The only bottle you saw in my hand had the word water in front of it. I suppose something was strange about that, because it led to an interrogation by my Uncle Eric, on why I never consumed any alcohol. To tell you the truth, a part of me had always been tempted to have a sip, but the fact that my parents are against the whole idea of underage drinking really did not help me. A few minutes after the questioning begun, I had an angry mob on me, shoving alcohol in my face chanting "Drink this, try this, stop being such a chicken and just do it!" I don 't know what part terrified me the most, either taking a drink and having to face the …show more content…

Any little noise, like the drop of a pen, felt like an explosion went off in my head. Meanwhile, my throat was as dry as the Sahara Desert, and to quench my thirst I needed to consume the seven seas. The cherry on top had to be the lecture I received from my parents on how my state of being was the reason they did not allow me to drink alcohol. The day had just began, and I was already on my knees praying for it to end. Desperate to find a cure for my hangover I pulled out my phone from my back pocket, and depended on Google to give me the best remedy possible. Five minutes after finding results I was forcing myself to drink gallons of water, and stuffing my face with any greasy food in reach. Soon after that, my hangover simmered down and I felt brand

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