Prison Overpopulation Essay

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California is the most populated state in the United States, and is known as a melting pot of many cultures. However, with the largest population of any states comes the largest prison population of all states. Prison overcrowding has become such a problem that during his term as Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called a state of emergency. The state’s prison had been overpopulated to the point where it had exceeded the maximum occupancy by over twice as much. There have been several measures taken to ensure that this problem is dealt with, but it has persisted for years until now. The problem isn’t with the amount crime in California, and is instead the fault of the laws the that punish them.
The first question is what has been done already
The main job of a prison is to rehabilitate its inmates. However, the amount of inmates that are released only to return later is quite staggering. I believe that improving the rehabilitation programs in prisons should be the next goal for California to lower the prison population. According to a 2012 report by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation(CDCR), just over 65% of those released from California’s prison system return within three years. Over 50% of inmates return to prison and contribute to the severe problem that is prison overpopulation. One of the best ways to combat recidivism is rehabilitation. James Gilligan, a clinical psychologist researched the effects of rehabilitation in prisons. He states that prisons are designed to restrain to prisoners and not punish them like most prisons in America do. When you punish prisoners you make them more violent than before, and the prison doesn’t do its job to change their behavior and reintroduce them into society as new people. In the end this will positively effect the prison population in
Its legislation is one of the most powerful just from the amount of people it governs. However, it would be wrong to call it a perfect place. The prison system has a severe overpopulation problem that has been called a state of emergency. There have been several measures to change the system for the better reduce the prison population. With the federal court order we have almost reached our goal, but there is still much that has to be done to keep this way. Prop 36 reformed the three strike law that would cause petty felons to serve 25 to life sentences. The next priority should rehabilitation of the inmates to reduce the recidivism rate to an acceptable rate possible below 10%. Overall, California is place that has a lot to change, and we can’t just sit down and wait for it to happen. To make change we have to start with ourselves, and this is just the

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