Impact of Low Income on Child's Education and Social Status

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Unfortunately families that struggle with lower income have a tendency to struggle in other areas. The children of these lower income families are entering elementary level school lacking in reading, math, and general knowledge, compared to their peers that are from a family with higher levels of income. The struggles these children undergo do not stop at the academic standings they also affect the child’s social status. The suffering social status includes the child to potential fail in high school, increase unintended pregnancy, have higher criminal activity, and receive lower wages. Fortunately there has been an increase in number of publicly funded preschools, that benefit those children that are trailing behind their peers due to …show more content…

Most children that are raised in a low-income family that is less than 200 percent of federal poverty level enters their first year of school one year behind their peers in vocabulary, general knowledge, early math skill, and preliteracy skills. These children also raised low-income families tend to have social or behavioral complications that prevents their learning in the classroom, creates lack of attention, and rise in aggression levels. These are most first signs and causes of income-related developmental …show more content…

Parents of low-income families have a boost in chronic stress levels and have a hard time with coping skills due to job insecurity and unsatisfying wages. These complications with the parents take a toll on the children and leads to low cognitive-linguistics problem-solving skills. Family investment models are commonly known as cognitive simulation models, this is the emphasize on the intellectual climate in the family over the role of emotional relationships on the child learning outcomes. Parents that grew up in a limited income household had fewer opportunities to engage in cognitively stimulating activities, books, nutritious foods, quality child care, and educationally prep materials, and unfortunately model these poor behaviors for their

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