Prior Experiential Learning Assessment Credits

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I am respectfully petitioning for three college Prior Experiential Learning Assessment credits for my knowledge and experience in management. In 1987, I began my full time employment at Brown, Noll, Sanders and Little, holding the position of Assistant Bookkeeper. Eight months later, I was offered the challenging and rewarding Accounting Manager position, which I maintained for twenty-five years. The firm is an established, mid-sized law firm offering a full complement of legal services celebrating 60 years. I establish a flexible caring style so that the staff can be motivated to give their best to support the department. I maintain, and understand the role and responsibilities of this position. I am responsible for all areas relating to accounting functions and financial reporting. I plan daily, weekly and monthly accounting tasks. I rework jobs establishing a channel of authority and communication to set work standards, and clarify what is expected of the employee. I fulfill the expectations that come from wearing multiple hats which is very challenging. I monitor department work more efficiently by using all resources while sustaining an immense level of accuracy. I apply procedures to ensure the correct practice is followed on invoices. While, I may not be expected to be a specialist in everything, the expectation to do well is greatly anticipated. I supervise one staff that assists with client’s inquiries, and the various accounting task. I involve staff in discussions and meeting to generate ownership. I have available published and career paths made known to staff. For example, I continue action programs in place to bridge succession gaps. I compile profiles of key job profiles and advancement success made known to... ... middle of paper ... .... Giving time to become familiar with the firm’s culture, getting to know the other workers personalities, seeing how they adapt to the environment their positions, working as a unit to better serve the clients, while learning the value of diversity amongst colleagues. I talk about customer focus culture as reflected in policies and procedures and practices. I ascertain ideas are shared best in this forum. I have encountered each new challenge with a willingness to learn and to expand my horizons. I have grown both personally and professionally with the many new and added responsibilities entrusted to me. I have been an effective and competent accounting manager of five people over the years. I have presented over twenty-five years of dynamic and effective accounting management experience and expertise for which I respectfully request three credits in management.

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