Communication Inevitability

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When we are in an interactional situation, we are bound to communicate, whether or not we intend to. How the receiver perceives the message we send is left solely up to them, regardless of how much we try to effectively communicate. The most unfavorable aspect of communication is that once any type of information is conveyed, it cannot be undone or taken back. Due to communication 's unavoidable, exclusive and permanent nature, it can be defined by three main axioms, namely inevitability, unrepeatability and irreversibility. The principle of communication inevitability revolves around the mere fact that not communicating is impossible. We communicate even when we 're trying not to. Even avoiding communication and silence have the capacity …show more content…

Every communication is individual and exclusive. All communication is unique, as it cannot be duplicated. You cannot reenact any communication as your reenactment cannot be accurate or exactly the same as the original behavior and communication. You would essentially be recreating the situation to a great extent as your mindset, attitudes and overall behavior would not be the same as they were in the initial situation. Even if you say the same words or reenact the initial behavior, it will not be the same as in the actual setting, because of variances in tone of voice, facial expressions, location, movement and other contributing factors. Fundamentally, trying to repeat any type of communication is actually repeating the mere memory of the original communication. Additionally, communication is unrepeatable as once something is said, it cannot be repeated to alter initial impressions. Unfortunately, I 've learned this the hard way, after saying something I did not mean. When trying to repeat what I had initially communicated to the receiver, who was my boyfriend, the response I received was, “No. That is not what you just said.” In spite of the fact that I attempted to repeat what I initially said to alter the impression that was made with my original statement, I couldn 't do so, because what was said was already conveyed and cannot be changed, even by …show more content…

Once information is conveyed to a receiver, that information is permanently sent. Messages cannot be uncommunicated. The messages we send on a daily basis are irretrievable. We cannot reverse the act of communicating, although we may attempt to minimize the results of the sent message. Nevertheless, this does not undo the act of communicating information. Once a message has been sent, it cannot be taken back. I 've made numerous statements when upset and have always regretted it afterwards. Unfortunately, I cannot “unsay” anything I 've said, as they are everlasting and cannot be erased. I 've said many hurtful things to my boyfriend in times of conflict and sad to say, I cannot undo or alter the damage that my words have caused. Regardless of what I say to try to change the impressions my words left on him, I cannot take what I 've said back. You cannot take anything back that you 've communicated, as it is everlasting. Saying, “I didn 't really mean what I said,” doesn 't reverse the effect of any conveyed message, because it does not eradicate what was

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