Significance Of Light In The Prince Of Persia Sands Of Time

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When we were young, we learned that dark was evil and light was good. As we become older, we found that dark and light can be symbolic to other meanings as well. Symbolic shades of darkness could be a symbol of power, mystery, unhappiness, or even in some cases death. Whereas, Light could be symbols of simplicity, innocence or purity. In the movie poster “Prince of Persia, Sands of Time”’, the artist want to show the battle between good v.s. evil and how even good people can be tempted to do evil things. The artist uses the lighting, positions, and the significant items to help represent the struggles of temptations between the main characters.

The lighting within a poster can be very significant in how the objects are presented. A thing to notice is that the poster is shaded with mostly dark colors. The darkness all over the poster is a visual sign of how the world is chaotic and how temptation is everywhere. Dastin, the main character, was tasked with finding the right path of justice for the revenge of his father. Around …show more content…

.” Every prop has a spicic purpose and reason of why it is on the poster. The poster can be thought of as a camera to a movie. “The camera is like the viewer’s eye into the world of your film, and it allows a filmmaker to direct the viewer’s attention to a specific object or surrounding. Then, the viewer is aware of that important object’s existence should a need to re-reference it come back.” (McGrail 2011). The artist picks the most important props and adds them into the poster. In the poster we can see there is a castle. The castle is surrounded by darkness and war but at the tops of the towers there are beckons of light shining through the darkness. The castle is completely surrounded, and evil has taken control. The beckons of light are that shining through are a symbol of hope to the people. So the people can believe that good will always concur

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