Secondary Prevention Case Study

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Primary Prevention:
The aim of primary prevention stress management is to lessen, control/manage, modify or get rid of actual sources of work related stress and strain health problems. Therefore, primary prevention actually strives to lessen the negative effects of certain business risk factors on individuals in the workplace. Among other things, this specific type of intervention technique straight off affects the work surroundings and/or work circumstances, and for that reason, the company, as well as upper-level management should stay aware of their employees’ every day work routines.
Secondary Prevention:
The secondary prevention stress management is primary designed to provide special training from within the company to staff members …show more content…

Tertiary prevention actions are quite often a part of employee assistance programs (EAP) or alike programs. These plans are basically composed of counselling assistance to employees direct to experts if the need arise, which are strictly voluntary, private/confidential and attainable all the time. Even though the amount and quality choice of assistance provided change from one company to the other, they basically give people who are undergoing personal or work related problems a means of entry to special training and support from trained counseling professionals from within and even outside …show more content…

The most effective organizational stress management method I feel is Secondary Prevention Management.
The reason why is that I feel that getting away from or getting rid of stressors is the key answer, especially since they tend to be the main causes of stress. Stressors are known to come in two classes: internal stressors and external stressors. Internal stressors being real ailment and external stressors being real circumstances. Stressors are also identified as being either short-term, which is acute stress and the reaction to immediate threats, next we have long-term, which is chronic and tend to be stressors of anxiety that are ongoing and continuous. With this method it’s important that you build new habits and/or behaviors on a regular basis, all in order to get a person from stressors and stressful circumstance, that can also cause anxiety. These ways are primary how to manage stress on a more permanent basis. There is also the fact that if an individual keeps and stay on a healthy diet, get plenty sleep and rest which usually eight hours, exercise regularly at home or gyms, take anger management and stress classes, all to lessen your chances of stressful circumstance inside and out of the

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