Pride And Prejudice Conflict Essay

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In Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” the story of two unlikely lovers unfolds. Elizabeth Bennett, the second eldest of five sisters, unfortunately has a mother who wants her to marry rich. When Elizabeth first encounters Fitzwilliam Darcy they mutually dislike each other. The two characters undergo conflicts that revolve around each other. As the story progresses Mr. Darcy finds a likeness for Elizabeth that she does not return. After Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, that she rejects, he clears up all the mistakes that Elizabeth believed he had made. Elizabeth then realizes that Mr. Darcy evolves much like herself, she falls in love with him, and he finally proposes to her, which she accepts. Through Austen’s use of strong character’s …show more content…

Elizabeth, for example, has a conflict with misjudging Mr. Darcy, “For in admitting that she has misjudged Darcy, Elizabeth is now faced with the problem of understanding him”(Sherry 617). She realizes how badly she misjudged Darcy and that she foolishly believes Wickham’s lies about Darcy, which causes conflict. For Elizabeth and Darcy to unite and become wiser they must not base their opinions on pride or prejudice. This becomes their downfall because they focus too much on class, society, and people to allow them to fall in love. Darcy and Elizabeth must experience growth in matters of the heart and of opinion before they can resolve into marriage. Darcy’s issue that he has to overcome lies within class and gender barriers to eventually fall for Elizabeth’s candor, honesty, and intellect. Elizabeth and Darcy both have to break down pride and prejudice towards each other, which the novel depicts. To resolve issues between Darcy and Elizabeth his character must explain the issues counted against him and he eventually saves the Bennett’s from disgrace, which resolves conflicts between them. Another issue evolves from Darcy and Bingley’s sisters, “Darcy and Bingley’s sisters on the “blocking society,” holding out for wealth and connections against true love” (Sherry 614). Another conflict Austen portrays transpires from Mrs. Bennett’s need for her …show more content…

There are many symbols in the novel, but two important ones are Darcy and the large estates. At first Austen creates Darcy’s character as an unlikeable pompous man who is consumed with the importance of class, but only when he falls for Elizabeth, can he finally break down his pride and prejudice. Darcy symbolizes the change that happens within a man when he realizes what love is and how important it is, “Darcy seems to now symbolize all that inhabits real happiness and sociability” (Sherry 616). The large estates in the novel are also symbols, “Large country estates of the kind, Darcy and Mr Bingley own, served as a symbol of the wealth and power of the landed gentry”(Sheehan 1). Both of their estates are quite massive and furnished with the most prestigious items. This symbolizes how much importance was placed on material things and how wealth provides a large factor in the life of the eighteenth-century. Austen also applies irony within the relationship of Elizabeth and Darcy; “The two lovers are placed initially in an extremely ironic and apparently hopeless position”(Monaghan 113). Also, Darcy is faced with irony himself, ”Darcy’s rejection by Elizabeth at the moment when he seems to have felt an impulse stronger than pride is an irony which we as readers have been fully prepared to appreciate”(Sherry 616). The last ironic situation occurs due to Jane and Bingley as well as

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