Analysis Of The Price Of Crossing Borders By Eduardo Porter

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The Cost of illegal Immigrants The Story “The Price of Crossing Borders” was written by Eduardo Porter. The story, “The Price of Crossing Borders” is Eduardo putting his opinion into words about the illegal Immigrants. He explains in many different ways how they help but, he also explains how many natives don 't consider their “help” as help. Eduardo believes the illegal immigrants can help the business industry, but that means the middle class actually working man and women has a chance of losing their job, or job opportunities to a person who shouldn’t even be in this country. in other words Eduardo is supporting the immigration of illegal immigrants.
In Eduardo’s conversation with an illegal immigrant, he explains that he is working to get his family across the border …show more content…

If the reader would notice, Eduardo used the word immigrants, as if they moved to the U.S legally, instead of using illegal immigrants like he should have, in my own opinion of course. Eduardo also mentions in the second to last paragraph “cutting illegal immigration entirely would be prohibitively costly”. Who would it be costly to? The government? Wall Street? Big Businesses? It wouldn 't cost the poor/middle class man, it would open more job opportunities. Yes, it will cost the some big businesses but, they should have hired ture citizens in the first place.
Throughout the entire story of “The Price of Crossing Borders” Eduardo is supporting the illegal immigrants. Explaining that they help and that they do things by the books. In all reality they don 't. They illegally cross the border, they use fake ID’s, and forge fake documents, all of this is illegal and definitely not by the books by any

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