Presentation of Political Upheavals in Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry

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Rohinton Mistry is well versed with all the undercurrents of Indian politics. Though, Mistry left India in 1975 to settle in Canada, but even then he has complete knowledge of Indian politics which is not far removed from reality. His novels expose the day to day activities of our Indian politics, as for instance, corruption, politically motivated schemes, layman’s sufferings and the dominance of the corrupt officials over the downtrodden masses, etc. During his stay in Bombay, Mistry learnt a lot about socio-political background of his country before he left for Canada. Jasbir Jain remarks:

Rohinton Mistry’s work raises a whole lot of other questions specifically related to the ‘homeland’ and political memory. Neither nostalgia nor memory in itself, can account for this rootedness and preoccupation with the homeland and the environment precincts of the city of the birth. It is also not merely the fact of being more at home or having a more intimate relationship with space back there. It is more than all these, a projection of the individual character, a gesture of expanding the memory to include both the specific and the universal. (qtd. in Bharucha 11)


Such a Long Journey deals with the modest dreams and aspirations of its protagonist Gustad Noble. However, it is not only about an ordinary man and his family. Rather Rohinton Mistry has dovetailed various narratives with the central narrative of Gustad. Mistry is concerned about the narration of some of the major events of the history of post-independent India. He has aptly deployed the feelings and apprehensions of a minority community to ascertain some of the national events. The novel is written against the background of the unfortunate war that India fought with ...

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