Importance Of Precautionary Principle

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Precautionary Principle: Is Needed in Order to Successfully Prosper Of course not everyone is in favor of using the precautionary principle because it is questionable as to whether or not it benefits or hurts businesses and people. The precautionary principle “is intended to address credible yet uncertain hazards with severe or irreversible consequences and presumes that information is incomplete or highly variable, making traditional regulatory policy making difficult” (Carlock). This principle could be useful in the fact that it could prevent hazardous instances from occurring. However, individuals could take this principle too far by making it so that businesses unable to startup. An individual could make up a reason as to why a business should …show more content…

This form of precaution is known as the precautionary principle and to ensure that the principle is being fairly implemented, everyone must step back, take a look, and get educated. In other words, everyone needs to conduct further research when determining whether or not a company should be in existence or not. An agreement needs to be made of whether or not the costs outweigh the benefits and a decision can then be made from there. More importantly, these decisions need to be based off of facts and evidence, not personal bias. It is unethical to terminate a company because one individual does not like them. People should not frame a company for an illness when they know it was not the companies fault, but they do it anyway because they know that they will receive money. Unfortunately, there is only a correlation in science and not a cause so it is difficult to know what really cause that, unless further research is done. That is why, once again further research needs to take place to see what really the cause is and what could be the cause. Although, there are many faults to the precautionary principle it still ought to be

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