Power and Discourse Analysis

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Power use is around us whether noticed or not. Power in Discourse Analysis is a medium to achieve an end. The end is for stronger of the two sides of the discourse. Power in discourse analysis is the use of language in a discourse allowing the person who acquires knowledge and high status in the discourse takes control of the discourse thus having the higher power. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss nature of power argued in Discourse Analysis, attempts made to define ‘power’ in social research and discuss the different types of power. First, nature of power argued in Discourse Analysis is related to the nature of language. Using language in life is accompanied by using its power. Different conditions vary the power and the language. Language functions change and maintain power relationship. How to negotiate, resist or change that relationship is case study in itself. Whenever power is an issue, there are two sides. Those sides never come to an equal position. There is a reason why we say what we speak or write; there is always a reason behind spoken or written text. People need to be aware on language use and never underestimate the condition of language use. “Discussing the categories of definitions for discourse and discourse analysis, the author is careful to distinguish between formal and functional approaches to the topic” (Stoehr 53-54) by that language is essential to choose appropriate linguistic rules. Each person is at some point the dominate side and at another point he is the weak link. Therefore, being aware of power of language and how the use of it can achieve your goal is essential to resist and change of others’ domination. Linguistics have no relation to the power of language, they only study language... ... middle of paper ... ... Fairclough, Norman. Language and Power. England: Pearson Education Limited, 2001 Stoehr, Louise E. “Perspectives on Discourse Analysis: Theory and Practice.” ebscohost.com. 20100825. Literary Reference Center. 20 December 2011. VAN DIJK, TEUN A. “18 Critical Discourse Analysis”. discourses.org. Website Teun A. van Dijk. 20 December 2011. Zanón, Noa Talaván. “Perspectives on Discourse Analysis: Theory and Practice.” ebscohost.com. 20110713. Literary Reference Center. 20 December 2011.

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