Poverty in Simon Armitage's Poems

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Simon Armitage has written about different kinds of poverty in his poems, including "To Poverty," "Hither," "Gooseberry Season," and "About His Person." In this essay, I will explore Armitage's techniques and examine four types of poverty he has used in these poems: emotional poverty, economic poverty, familial poverty, and moral poverty. Firstly, I will focus on emotional poverty, which refers to a person who lacks feeling or emotion in response to situations or experiences, including sadness, anger, happiness, or depression. In the poem "Hitcher," the narrator exhibits emotional poverty. For example, in stanza three, line four, he states, "didn't even swear," indicating that he did not care about killing the person and lacked any emotional response. This is one type of poverty presented by Armitage, which contrasts with the other characters in the poem who do not exhibit emotional poverty. For instance, in stanza two, lines two and three, "He was following the sun to west from east with just..."

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