Hunger In Ethiopia Essay

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The Issue

In many parts of the world people go hungry every day and they don 't have the means to feed themselves or the security that they will eat again. The lands no longer bear fruit and cannot provide for those who counted on them to both survive and make a living. One such example is Ethiopia in Africa, and it is a hot zone of the hunger epidemic. Poor nutrition causes nearly half of the deaths in children under 5 ( 3.1 million children each year), as well as on a lesser note 1 in 4 of the world 's children have their growth stunted because of hunger. Meanwhile agriculture is a staple in most economies and Ethiopia is without that suffering leaving it with no food security. Ethiopia is in dire need of help with its hunger problem because …show more content…

Fourteen percent of households were food insecure much like those in Ethiopia, although not through the same reasons as in Ethiopia. In the U.S. the cause is often related to the fourteen percent of poverty that are most likely the same fourteen percent of food insecure that can 't guarantee where their next meal will come from. However in Ethiopia hunger is caused due to lands being unable to be formed and thus no agricultural programs can be created on such hard soils without major intervention which they cannot do. This is where the United States have a technological advantage because they can take on fertile lands and make them farmable overtime to both turn profit and feed their hungry unlike those needs help you who did not have the resources nor the ability being and developing …show more content…

For trade purpose they have a climate that could do year-round farming with newer farming techniques on a vast unused land that could aid both the United States and Ethiopia. They can farm vast amounts of food to end hunger in both areas ideally, while also helping fuel both economies. It would be a partnership where the United States would give the resources and knowledge and let Ethiopia finally join the world and also reap the rewards.
Neither would see a negative side because of the greater issue, hunger, which they are trying to fight. For Ethiopia we are a friend or end to beating the epidemic in their country which is hunger. For the U.S. Ethiopia is somebody which we can also benefit from in the long run. So either way both countries would jump at the chance if a partnership is a

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