Sociology: The Sociological Impacts Of Poverty

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Poverty can be described as many things, it can be described as hunger, lack of shelter, not having access to school, not knowing how to read and much more. Despite the definitions, one thing we know for sure is that poverty is a complex societal issue. Poverty is a large cause of social tensions and threatens to separated a nation because of the issue of inequalities, more specifically, income inequality. Poverty is a main impact of globalization, it can affect a whole nation by furthering inequalities. Overall, has affected all of developing countries and has a crucial impact on developed countries.
The dangerous cycle of poverty means that struggles and lifelong barriers are passed on from one generation to the next. Low incomes and unemployment create an environment where children do not have the privilege of going to school.Often times, children must work to provide an …show more content…

Sociology focuses on the structure and organization of a society and how this correlates to social problems and individuals. The sociological thoughts on poverty have revolved around the importance of social structures and individual agency when explaining the prevalence of poverty over the years. In many accounts, specifically political ones and academic studies, the emphasis was put on the ‘undeserving poor’, which outlined individual behaviours and apparent moral failings as key causes of poverty. Most recently, there has been arguments on whether welfare system is responsible for encouraging and supporting claimants into welfare dependency. Another idea was brought around troubled families or families who have never worked as key explanations for poverty. Sociologists have used empirical evidence to challenge individual and sociological explanations for poverty (Sociological perspectives on poverty). They emphasize the importance of the broader context and the different opportunities open

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