A Reflection Of Observation In The Classroom

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Post-conference: At the end of the class, I asked Ms. Linda to meet with me to discuss the observation. I thought carefully what I would tell Ms. Linda. Supervisor: “Ms. Linda, I am glad you remembered to enforce the ground rules. I noticed that you reminded Max of waiting for his turn, told Alex to talk to Ben rather than hit with his hand, and asked Jayden and Ben to be quiet in the circle time. It is a good start and I also believe that teachers must be firm with their children. However, we also need to notice our tone of voice and body language while talking to the children. That is to be kind to the children and to remain calm in the difficult situation. It is very important to remain in control in a difficult situation. When the children see their teacher remains clam and in a peaceful way, they calm down easily and are willing to listen to the teacher better. I know it is a difficult skill and takes time to learn and master.” …show more content…

Linda: “What’s wrong with my tone of voice and body language?” Supervisor: “I noticed that you were yelling to these children. Although these children were told what they should do, do you think that they are willing to accept your suggestion?” Ms. Linda: “I haven’t noticed about that. Thank you for bringing about it to me. I think this is one of my weaknesses and I really need to work on

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