Self Confidence Essay

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Some people are more self-confident, others are less self-confident. Nevertheless, everybody has an idea of what you talk about when referring to self-confidence. According to a popular definition, self-confidence is “one’s belief that he or she can successfully execute a desired behavior” (Feltz, 2007). Especially in sports, self-confidence is a very crucial trait. While it is believed that there are a few negative impacts that come with being self-confident, the positive impact of self-confidence, like the ability to effectively overcome errors, definitely outweighs them (Woodman; Akehurst; Hardy; Beattie, 2010). Research and literature on this subject shows, that there is also such a thing as an optimal confidence level. The most important …show more content…

In order to expand on the already existing research, we collected data on self-confidence through a questionnaire that was given to the FIU Male Baseball Team. This survey included 19 team members (17 players, 1manager, and 1 coach) and the data was collected in March 2016. The questions asked in the survey, as well as the results after evaluating the data follow. The survey, conducted for this project started off by asking the participants for demographic information like age and role on the team. The first actual question on self-confidence asked who the most confident player on the team was. While one player received the most votes with four out of 19, two players tied for second place with three votes. Interestingly, the player leading the poll is not the best player on the team, if you look into team statistics. The questionnaire proceeded by asking the participants what it was, that made the person they listed confident. For this question, the …show more content…

Many things we covered were either new information or reassurance on the relationships between self-confidence and performance. With a well ranged survey to present to the players and coaches of the FIU Baseball team, we had the opportunity to take away information from coaching, teaching, and actual competing in athletic contests. The project included data averages from coaches, managers, and players leading age differences to be a significant factor in our results. This also gave us different views on the answers to certain

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