Passive Communication: Three Popular Forms Of Communication

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There are a variety of ways to communicate with people and often times the type of communication chosen depends on the information being communicated and the personalities of the people involved in the communication. There are two classifications for communication, active and passive. Active communication consists of lining up schedules and attendance so people can be present. Passive communication allows people to access and respond to the communication on their own schedule. We will focus on three popular forms of communication including webinars, face to face meetings and email as means of communication.
Webinars are defined as, “a seminar or other presentation that takes place on the Internet, allowing participants in different locations …show more content…

Successful face-to-face communication requires preparation, being concise and attentive. Presenters must know what information needs to be presented and what the goal of communicating must be. Being concise and straight to the point is key to achieving these goals while respecting others time. “Great conversation is like a tennis match. One person serves up their thoughts and the other reciprocates, back and forth, back and forth” (Jenkins, 2014). It is important and respectful to focus on the meeting at hand putting off distractions from phones or a wondering …show more content…

However, there are some big drawbacks to using email. One drawback is that some email users might not read their email on a regular bases and important communications can be delayed. One of the biggest problems with emails is that they can be misunderstood. There is no direct feedback as to whether the audience has read the email, understood the email or even gotten the email at all. The presenter must follow up on emails sent to make sure they have effectively reached the intended audience. Personally I try to include a question in important emails for the reader to answer back to me, this way I know the email has reached them and opens up a place for further

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