Brummett's Rhetorical Dimensions Of Popular Culture

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Popular culture with its dimensions
The term “popular culture” has different meaning however its meaning depends upon the context and the person who is defining it. Generally it is known as culture of people or vernacular that prevails in a society. In his book “Rhetorical Dimensions of Popular Culture” Brummett explains that pop culture includes the characteristics of social life which are actively practiced by the public (Brummett, 1991). Popular culture is culture of people so it is determined by the communications, interactions and exchange between people in their daily activities which include the use of slang, styles of dress, foods that people eat and greeting rituals. Mass media plays important role in propagation of popular culture.
There are many generally agreed features and social characteristics involving popular culture. Popular culture, for example, includes the most instant and modern elements of our lives. These elements often change rapidly especially due to highly technological world. In this high technological world omnipresent media is bringing people closer and closer. Definite standards and general beliefs are revealed in pop culture. Due to its commonality and generality pop culture reflects and affects daily life of people. Moreover brands can achieve pop iconic position for example McDonald’s golden arches or the …show more content…

In his article ‘Folklore to Populore’ Ray Browne offered same definition of popular culture. He explained that popular culture involves the elements of behaviours, attitudes, beliefs, tastes and customs which define the individuals of any society (Browne, 2004). In the historic context it can be seen that popular culture is termed as the culture of the

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