The Role Of Political Socialization In India

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The comparison will be done four major ways. First, we will look at the overall systems. This will include looking at the political environment, political structure and its functions. The second step we will take is to study the political culture. This process will take us into the process and policy levels to include how political socialization occurs in each country and what are the key agents for socialization in each respectively. Next, we will drive into the interest articulation and aggregation. This paper will accomplish this by giving a description of how this occurs in each country. The fourth step is simply to compare how public policy is crafted in these two countries. Once the four steps have been completed this paper will give …show more content…

It took five week of elections and the winner won thirty-one percent of the popular vote (Mahr & Miller, 2014, p. 22). In India, the interest groups focus on working conditions. The India 's unions align themselves closely to political parties so that during election time they can be more powerful. During the elections unions often organize illegal stoppages of work , also known as "wildcat strikes" (Powell, Dalton, & Strom, 2012, p. 593) to try to get state intervention for better conditions. There is, however, a problem; there are so many unions that compete for a limited amount of workers that the sheer amount of unions degrade the effectiveness. The same would be said for elections. 464 different political parties participated in the election (Mahr & Miller, 2014, p. 22). India is crippled because its gross national product when it would come to the terms of purchasing power parity is only about six percent that of the United States gross national product (Powell, Dalton, & Strom, 2012, p. 599). This is not to mention that India 's literacy rate is low as well; this is would be about sixty-five percent (Powell, Dalton, & Strom, 2012, p. 599). India has maintained a democratic form of government regardless of mass poverty and low literacy; a condition that is ripe for communism but continues to thrive against all

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