Texas Political Culture Essay

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Political culture is broadly shared values, beliefs, and attitudes about how government and society should function. Gov. Rick Perry speaks supporting strong Texas state government and minimal federal government intervention. Based on Texas’s founding origins, and experiences and orientation toward the marketplace (pro big business), who should participate in government, and the role of government. The three state political culture categories are moralistic, individualistic, and traditionalistic. Texas is a mix of traditionalistic and moralistic according to our textbook. The moralistic New England Puritanism view of the common good, government should promote public good. Individualistic view of government to provide order and protect property
Austin era, DRT, DAR, etc. Yes, my family is recognized at the Alamo and San Jacinto monument. I am concerned though that Perry mainly wants a decrease in federal power for personal gain: “a wolf in sheep 's clothes.” This 2009 Governor Perry interview lays some of the groundwork for recent radical discussion of Texas seceding from the Union, which Gov. Perry does not support. I believe in working together within the system and not fracturing relationships between minorities, whites, federal and state governments. Texans trade a high state sales tax for no state income tax. We (Texans) provide minimal services to our growing minority population. Recidivism is high and yet we do little to address substance abuse, mental illness, and lack of education as these are up to the individual. This is great if you happen to be well educated, white, and well to do. I was lucky enough to be born into this situation. Sometimes it is cheaper to address a cause instead of repeatedly dealing with the repercussions. Poorly educated and minority Texans if energized to vote can change the political makeup of Texas, and the demand for services in the future. My GOVT 2305 course pushed minority education and voting. With Texas demographics changing, if voter turnout changes current political powers do not reflect these differences.

I believe in hard work, socially acceptable, lawful behavior, minimal taxes and intervention, and equal treatment. I do not believe in favoritism, big business, PACs, lobbyists at the expense of others, and partisan politics. Religion and politics are personal choices and not for public scrutiny. I value differences in opinions and backgrounds but not at someone else’s expense. I think Texas does somethings right as Gov. Perry stated but not everything. I take a more moderate

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