Essay On Vest Cameras

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Police Vest Cameras: A New Necessity or an Invasion of Privacy?

In today’s day and age, Law Enforcement officers face many new challenges in comparison to generations past. You may think that with advancements in technology and new methods and techniques that a police officer’s job would be significantly easier than an officer working twenty years ago. However, these new advances in technology also present many downfalls, one being an increased liability arising from false accusations against Law Enforcement agencies. In an effort to promote safety and protect police officers from false accusations, some police departments are choosing to implement and use vest cameras. Although widely contested and controversial, vest cameras prove to be beneficial to a local department in several ways.
Vest cameras provide a very crucial piece of evidence that can be used in court. Criminals often give false testimony, which could possibly influence a jury to acquit them of the crime in question. Vest cameras are an actual video of the incident. Video doesn’t lie; it is material …show more content…

Video footage can prove to consume excessive amounts of storage, which in turns raises additional concerns for police agencies. How long should video camera be stored? What method should be used to store it? The overwhelming amount of data storage required raises legitimate questions and potential problems.
Vest Cameras also pose another valid concern: are these devices possibly an invasion of privacy? Law Enforcement officers must inform individuals that they are being recorded, and civilians are also questioning the constitutionality of these vest cameras. On the flip side, imagine wearing a camera one hundred percent of the time at your job. The continuous use of cameras could also be considered a major violation of privacy for police

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