Police Officers Tools: Tazers

875 Words2 Pages

Tazers Is Essential

A police officer draws his firearm and starts shooting at the person who is charging at the officer with a golf club, resulting in the offender dying from his wounds. When police officers did not have tasers, they would have to rely on their firearms. When faced in situation like the one above, pepper spray and a baton is not an effective tool which then would only leave the firearm as the only option. A taser is an essential tool that every officer should carry. The taser is able to easily help officers restrain offenders, they are easy to use effectively, and most importantly, may prevent many fatalities.

One of the main reasons why tasers is an important tool for police officers and is because of the restraint. When a police officer is on duty, their main duty is to enforce the law. Police will always come across unlawful citizens who will refuse to be arrested by a police officer. In order to arrest the person, the officer must restrain the person. Restraining an offender can be easy if the offender offers no resistance. But occasionally, an offender will be aggressively resisting arrest from the police officer. The offender could be extremely intoxicated with drugs or alcohol, making them uncooperative. In circumstances like these, trying to physically restrain may not be able to work. Depending on the drug they're using, they could put up a huge fight and physically stopping them would be very difficult. With the use of a taser, a police officer may restrain an offender easily. All the officer has to do it draw out the taser and fire it at the offender. Using method is far more easier than physically fighting with the offender to restrain them. "A Taser works by delivering high voltage...

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...y of those vital organs, there will be a high chance of a fatality. Another example of how tasers prevent fatalities is that it was used on a pregnant women who refused to cooperate with the police and showed resistance. After she was tasered, she was in good health and "afterwards gave birth to a healthy baby girl" (Police Argue Tasers Are "Useful Pain Technique", 2012). Tasers reduce death since they are not fatal when used, and their use prevents an officer from using his/her firearm.

People have notions that tasers are being misused and are dangerous. But the fact is, when an officer has a taser, he is able to restrain an offender. The officers are trained to use tasers, making them easier to use effectively. Taser also prevents many fatalities when being used as instead of a firearm. All these reasons makes the taser essential for police services to use.

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