Strengths And Weaknesses Of Police Discretion

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CRJ 104 Writing Assignment #2 The citizens of the United States gives a lot of power and authority to the police as part of the social contract. So in other words, we give up some of our freedom in exchange for protection and order from the government in order to live in a greater society. This is true when we give power to the police so they can protect us. According to the book, “police discretion is the authority that police officers have to use their individual judgements concerning decisions that they must make on a daily basis” (Aberle 116). In society, police discretion is almost universally accepted so that they can make decisions based on their training, background, experience, etc. This concept exists because police will have to …show more content…

However, just like there are two sides to every coin, police discretion does have its strengths and weaknesses. For strengths, police discretion is great when trying to break up a bad situation like bar fights or domestic violence in a home. In many police departments in America, there isn’t any direct supervision, so police officers …show more content…

Sometimes depending on an officer’s discretion, citizens in society can be beneficial of this too. An example would be if someone ran a red light and an officer pulled them over. If it didn’t cause any accidents or was a threat to society, an officer may have the discretion to just issue a warning. On the flip side, there are some weaknesses to police having discretion. In modern society, there has been lots of news about the police using their discretion in the wrong way. To be more specific, in the last couple of years there have been many cases of police killing members of the black community using their discretion. Sometimes police use their discretion and think they got it correct, but sometimes they are dead wrong. My second example is an article from the NY Times about how the police fired at an armed suspect, but hit bystanders too. While they did shot and kill the suspect, their bullets also hit an old retiree and mother, who had an 18-month old child. The mother later filed a lawsuit against the police department, saying they showed negligence towards her and the rest of the people. My point is that while the police may have not been at total fault, their

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