The Reflection Of The Poem What Lasts Forever?

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The poem “What Lasts Forever?” is actually a revision of a piece I wrote when I was 16 and has been revised to better fit my current writing style and voice. In the classroom, this can help students develop their writing and improve their writing. It was interesting to see how much I’ve changed in the last four years, as well as how my writing has changed. I have attached to originally and my edits to the next page for further illustration of the stark differences. In addition to the two aforementioned poems, “A Poem for Teachers (abridged)” is a revision of “A Poem for Teachers”. When I wrote “A Poem for Teachers”, I liked it but it didn’t feel quite right and so I attempted a haiku version that I hoped would be more humorous, with the idea …show more content…

Process approach is very useful in English Language Arts, as I have now experienced, the inclusion of multiple edits, drafts, evaluation, and peer reviews (not necessarily in that order) has forced me to consider my work more than I would if I was focusing on creating a product for an assignment. This process allowed me to explore my own writing as well as the flexibility of writing and the writing process in general.
Personally, I have never worried too much about audience or purpose when I’m writing, and as such have opted to focus on the concept of sharing instead. Sharing in the classroom is beneficial as it provides students with a different view on their work and a fresh view. Sharing with peers feels less forced than sharing with a teacher and is less worrisome, as peers tend to be more focused on inquiry and wonder, while teachers worry about assessment and value. This focus on assessment when a student is

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