Plagiarism Essay

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Plagiarism is the taking of other people’s thoughts and words more so their concepts and ideas, to use them as your own lacking to give credit to the main source or author (Robinson,2002) Most times plagiarism is considered as intellectual theft and is the most serious offence in journal writing. Sometimes it is done unintentionally by hurrying during typing, omitting marks of quotation or being careless as you source out information during research. In some minor cases, it can also be referred to as the quotation of one or two sentences without a citation or quotation marks in reference to the true author ( Sandler , 2012) Plagiarism can be distinguished from piracy though. Piracy is the sale of attributed copies of a work which are not …show more content…

In other words if a writer changes nothing in terms of content from an original journal, this is what is called full plagiarism. MOst of the academicians generally believe this is the work of incompetent people in that particular subject or are too lazy to make an innovative effort. (Rajeev, 2012) 2) Partial Plagiarism If a person happens to combine data from two or three sources while writing his journal work, this is called partial plagiarism. It amounts to stealing somebody’s work although not fully but only partially. In partial plagiarism the writer manipulates language used in the original journal content, however the flow of ideas is not changed (The modern Language Association, 2009). The writer tries to be original; however the work doesn’t have innovative individual research. Having inadequate knowledge in a certain field is a very common cause of partial plagiarism. 3) Minimalistic …show more content…

As for intentional plagiarism, students can earn themselves trouble as serious as suspension. Examples that clearly illustrate this are; submitting a journal from the internet as it is, without altering anything, or deliberately copying another writer’s work without giving them credit (Davis, 2006) First of all, students need to learn to use their own words and ideas while writing down assignments. Practice is very crucial in the learning process. It aids in improving a student’s line of thought, choice of words and also how to present their ideas. (Davis, 2006) Students should learn to assemble and analyze a given set of sources of which they have personally determined is relevant, relating to the issue being investigated. They should also vividly acknowledge when they start drawing ideas of others, in addition avoiding using recycled assignments that may produce evidence of plagiarized responses (Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2003) to avoid plagiarism, whether deliberate or unintentional, it takes a student much practice while writing journals and

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