Pistol Packing Professors

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Pistol Packing Professors
School shootings are nightmares that have become a reality for some in recent years. They are fueled by rage, passion, and even hatred for your fellow man. In response to the violence, bills have been brought forth calling for teachers to be able to carry weapons in the classroom. This has its positives and negatives; though some support the call to take up arms against these violent assailants, others along with myself say that it is the wrong way to go. Although student safety is of the upmost importance, putting weapons in the hands of educators violates all sense of logic and accomplishes nothing.
Violence against one another is something that has plagued man since our ancestors’ first marveled at the creation of the wheel or the discovery of fire. But, throughout the centuries as different forms of violence have become increasingly well known; the violence is seen by our youth as normal and quite possibly acceptable. The introduction of firearms to the violence just acted as a catalyst that made committing acts of violence even easier. The fact that firearms are being left at home; in the reach of our youth acts as just another component in the violence. The problem that we face today is that as school shootings become more and more of a pressing matter; the outcry for reforms in school safety rise as well. People feel that their children are not safe at school anymore. Though countless schools have armed security guards as we do; parents and lawmakers alike still feel that we may need more protection. As a matter of fact, the armed guards at our schools are often the first targets of the assailants. The people that support the bill make the point that since teachers and other educators are around t...

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