The Picino Production's Portrayal of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice

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The Picino Production with Al Picino, Jeremy Iroris and Joseth Fiennes (2004) of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is one that has remarkable visual and performative choices that alter the way in which certain characters may be portrayed on paper. In this performance, Portia is racist as she insults the Prince of Morocco because he is a man of color. Portia’s performance is presented in a jovial manner even though the implications of her actions are of a serious matter. Portia chuckles with Nerissa in the midst of revealing her opinions about her suitors. This becomes an inside joke for the two women, especially Portia because the men think she is vested in wanting a suitor through the will of her father. This conversation takes place in a tower above the suitors. The production’s placement of Portia reveals her inability to speak honestly in public. The tower scene in the production shows Portia’s incapability of being racist in public, so therefore her thoughts becomes an inside joke between herself and Nerissa that is not accessible to others. Portia is seen as playful but ...

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