Argumentative Essay On Physician Assisted Suicide

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What would you do if you were terminally ill and experienced excruciating pain daily? As daunting as this sounds, this is the reality many people are faced with. There aren’t many things that could be done, so physician assisted suicide attempts to be an answer to this unfortunate situation. Although physician assisted suicide would end a terminally ill person’s suffering, there are a few negative consequences of the procedure. First, a physician assisted suicide would violate the Hippocratic Oath that doctors swear to abide by remain certified as a physician and allowed to practice. Simply put, the Hippocratic Oath states that a doctor should do no harm while practicing medicine. Secondly, many religions, including most Christian denominations,
However, the overwhelming consensus interprets the bible to take a stance that condemns suicide. Exodus 20:13 plainly states, “thou shalt not kill” (KJV). According to this verse alone, it is plausible to conclude that God wouldn’t approve of physicians’ killing their patients—even if the patients asked them to do so. Many understand this verse to include suicide as well. Many Christians view being alive as an honor and a privilege that shouldn’t be taken lightly. As long as you have breath, God has a distinct purpose for you. The bible doesn’t blatantly say rather or not a person will go immediately to hell if they kill themselves. However, it does say the only sins a person could commit that would undoubtedly send them to hell are rejecting Christ (Mark 16:16) and blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28). Nonetheless, it’s evident that committing suicide is outside of God’s will for his people as a whole. God judges man on an individual basis, so the exact ramifications a person might face because they committed suicide varies dependent upon the specific believer’s heart, intentions, and motives. Since the bible doesn’t exclusively talk about suicide or physician assisted suicide, it is wise to look at the rest of the bible and notice the pattern that the men who were advent believers in Christ followed. They all chose to persevere through difficulty—even amidst physical

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