Process Theology And Process Philosophy

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To understand how process theologians come to this conclusion I need to establish what process theology is. Process philosophy opposes the timeless reality that was established by most western metaphysical philosophers. For Plato it was form, for Aristotle essence, for Descartes the mind. Any change of a substance was merely aesthetic or temporary. Process philosophy’s centerpiece is change; entities are constantly becoming rather than situated in being. Every instance contains an actual entity, which is “each unit of process; it is a drop of experience which comes into existence through the creative process of concrescence. Actual entities are the ‘final real things of which the world is made up.’ They are the building blocks which, through an essential interconnectedness, make up the composite world of rocks, tress, and people” (Suchocki). These entities merge together and give us the present. God comes in as an arbiter and knower of all the actual entities. God consists of all potentialities of existence for actual occasions and offers possibilities by ordering the relevance of eternal objects. The consequent nature of God (God’s feelings in the world) prehends everything that happens in reality. Prehension “involves emotion, purpose, and valuation. Because of prehension, there is connectedness in the universe.”(Suchocki) This prehension and connectedness to the world is what makes God experience all of reality consciously. The last nature is the superjective or how the occasion has an effect beyond itself, which make God’s synthesis sensible for other actual entities. This connectedness causes God to lose his all-powerful status. Though he has persuasive power and basic non-human properties that would be considered power, Go...

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...f the traditional view. Process theologians attribute the laws of nature to an act of God. For this reason, God knows the extent to which the future is open—what the laws allow and what they do not allow. The process God is also aware of the conditions that creaturely decisions set upon future actualization, opening up some possibilities. Unlike the other characteristics of God, omniscience isn't necessarily required for the argument. Any situation God doesn't see can still be created as intended through the power of semi-potence or omnibenevolence. I gloss over omnibenevolence because it is implied by his interaction with the world. An omnipotent being can be the unmoved mover and then remain entirely devoid of any feeling towards the creation, but a being that participates because of its lack of omnipotence will only do so because of its sympathy towards becoming.

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