Pesticides Essay

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In the United States, there 200,000 early deaths annually do to our pollution levels, mainly from pesticides (Chu). The word pesticide in Latin means to kill a curse or bane. Pesticides are everywhere in our lives; they are on our foods, in our soil, in our water, and in the air. Even though they are everywhere, the average person does not know the effects they have on their life and health. The United States is harming people and the environment with the careless use of chemicals and choosing to do nothing about it. Dangerous pesticides are threatening our environment with very little being done to warn people of the use and lack of action being taken to go green. Examples will be shown how lack of knowledge and lack of action are affecting …show more content…

does very little to protect our environment and people from danger. Chemicals are being used in our food products and soil, yet we know little about the effects it has on people (Coyote Reader, 224). Most pesticides are relatively new, and we have not had the opportunity to do extensive long-term research on the effects. Not only do we pollute our environment with pesticides we also do so with emissions from producing electricity, and there are all kinds of green suggestion out there, such as fluorescent light bulbs. It appears all of these things are being done to go green, but few are actually trying to go green (Coyote Reader, 226). We think all these things are being done to go green, but they are not. If we want to change the way we do things, we need to create strong laws to enforce green policies because laws are what stubborn people respond to the best (Coyote Reader, 226). When laws are put into place, we responded better than an expert talking to use about how we could go green. If we don't change our ways it could ruin the earth with live on, along with hurting its people and other animals. We only have one earth and we need to take care of it if we won't our species and planet in general to

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