Perspectives of Adoption

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Misconceptions happen everyday in different situations, for example, not understanding a topic, hearing the wrong story, or not knowing the full story. Many people who hold misconceptions do not even know that their ideas are false or incorrect. A stereotype can be formed or made by an individual who is unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information they need to make a fair judgement about people or situations. Stereotypes occur because one forms opinions about other people based on their looks, appearance, and so on. An individual can stereotype a person who might be a member of a group who they have not had firsthand contact with before. Stereotypes are basically generalizations that are made about groups. A disadvantage about stereotyping is that it makes us ignore differences between individuals, therefore we think things about individuals that might not be true. One disadvantage about misconceptions is that it can place an individual to believe a story that is not fully understanded. One common misconception is that individuals see that child adoption is wrong, when in reality it becomes a miracle to many families.

Stereotypes help us to confer order on our complex society. A stereotype provides a mentally simplified picture of a specific group of people, this lets us standardize our beliefs and avoid having to deal with the complexity that in fact each person is an individual. Stereotypes predict behavior of members of a group where one does not know the member. Stereotypes are just basically a simplified standardized conception about the characteristics or expected behaviors of an identifiable group. A misconception is a conclusion that’s wrong because it is based on erroneous thinking or facts that are wrong. A mi...

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...vides a child to be a part of a family and receive the love and attention as any child who has a parent. People just need to see that if they don’t know anything about abortion, they should not make and bad judgements about it. Adoption is a wonderful thing for anyone because it doesn't just change the life of children, but the life of the parent also.

Works Cited

Lorde, Audre. “Transformation of Silence into Language and Action.” The Cancer Journals. San

Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1980. 18-23. Print. about Open Adoption. [online] Available


Accessed: 7 Feb 2014]. Loves Choice-Common Misconceptions. [online]

Available at:

[Accessed: 7 Feb 2014].

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