The Big-Five Personalities Test And Holland's Personality Test

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There are many different personality tests out there and many to try. At the end of the test it will tell you what your personality is like. The different personality tests will be, The Big-Five Personality test, Myers-Briggs Personality test and Holland’s Personality test. The Big-Five Personality test is based on, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. (Goldberg, 1992) Retrieved from My highest scoring area was Neuroticism 86%, and lowest scoring area was Openness 12%. If I had to guess what I would have gotten on the test I would think from the highest to the lowest it would be, Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. …show more content…

Conventional, Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, and Enterprising. My score from highest to lowest was Investigative, Social, Artistic, Enterprising, Conventional and Realistic. (Liao, Armstrong, Rounds, 2008) Retrieved from These results show that I am an ISA. I agree very much with my results. Investigative means I am logical, inquisitive and explorative. Social means I am friendly, understanding and generous. Artistic means I that am imaginative, original, and impulsive. With me being an ISA, it recommends jobs that are psychological. My future job, which I see as my dream job, is to become a psychiatric nurse in a psychiatric ward in a hospital. I would love to help people who are mentally and criminally insane. I think it is great that my personality fits with the job I want to do. I hope to have a job that I enjoy and am happy with, then it will impact my self-image. You feel good about yourself and that in turn makes people around you happy. If you enjoy your job and your co-workers it can impact your happiness in the rest of your life. Nobody would want to get up and go to a job that they don’t …show more content…

They were inspired by Carl Jung to create the personality test. Today the personality test is used in jobs to help find the best place for someone and in counseling and executive development. The personality test has become the most popular personality test. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indication, I am an ESTJ. ESTJ stands for Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking and Judging. Extroverted people are outgoing, enjoy being around other people, are talkative and like to be the center of attention. (Myers, Briggs). I believe I am partially an extrovert and partially not. I enjoy being with my close friends and family. I don’t enjoy being with large groups of people and people I don’t know very well. Around people I do know, I like to be open and be the life of the party, and include everyone, but when I am with a big crowd of people it is more difficult for me. Sensing people are more likely to pay attention to what they see, hear, touch, taste and smell. (Myers, Briggs). I think this fits my personality because I an observant to things that are going on around me. I like to learn using all of my senses that I can. It helps me to retain the information that I am learning. I also enjoy everyday activities where I can use my senses such as baking and

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