Personality Types and Their Resilience to Stress

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The relationship between personality and resilience has become a topic of interest due to the prevalent concept that some people are less vulnerable to the impacts of stress and recover faster from stress. Personality is regarded as a crucial factor that affects the behavioral aspects of humans in their social and personal life. The personality of an individual represents different patterns of behaviors that are relatively predictable and stable. In this perspective, personality can be seen as an expression of distinction from one person to the other and allows for the enables in the prediction of relative behaviors in various situations. Personality type is regarded as a psychological method of classifying various types of people. Personality
He defines introversion as the turning inward of psychic energy with inclination towards the subjective aspect of experiences (Feist & Feist, 2009). On the other hand, extroversion refers to the turning outward of psychic energy that leads to the tendency to turn towards objectivity and away from subjectivity. However, Jung identifies that humans rest somewhere on the scale of a balance between introversion and extroversion. The implication of this theory is that some people may portray a high degree of one aspect and a lower degree of another (Jung, 2014). On this basis, those who are referred as introverts are those that have a low degree of extroversion and the same applies to extroverts. Jung also notes that the functions of sensing, feeling, thinking, and intuiting impact on the personalities of people and moderate their degrees of extroversion and
They take strong betrayals as a significant loss and can mourn the loss of a relationship (Bhargava et al., 2015). Introverts are more likely to experience intense stress levels that can last for a long time as they strive to figure out the possible cause of the traumatizing events. It can be difficult for introverts to accommodate other people after they are hurt and need time alone before they recover from the trauma (Jung, 2014). Often, they take some time to heal and regroup their feelings to recover from the damage carried upon them. Introverts usually eliminate people from their life as a way of reacting to the situation (Feist & Feist, 2009). The introverts first try to comprehend why they were betrayed before they take the next course of action. This makes it hard for them to cope with stress and unexpected hurtful events, which implies a prolonged period of

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