Self-Motivation, Rewarding, And The Importance Of Downing

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In chapter 3 of On Course, Downing talks about the importance of personally discovering self-motivation in order to reach your goals. This chapter talks about Creating Inner Motivation, Designing a Compelling Life Plan, Committing to Your Goals and Dreams, and as always the importance of believing in yourself. Creating inner motivation is important, because the ACT and Policy Center on the First Year of College has identified that lack of motivation is the number one barrier to students’ success in college. The ACT also reported that “about one third of students in the U.S. four-year public colleges and universities fail to return for their second year, and in public two year colleges, it’s even worse: Nearly half of first-year students don’t …show more content…

Lewis Carroll is quoted on the margins of page 86 saying that, “One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go?” was his response. “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter.”” This quote demonstrates that without clear goals or plan for what you want you want to do with your life, you can get lost easily. I already have a life plan, others might not be as far along with their life goals, as I am, but that is not a bad thing, it just means that they have some searching to do. Being able to know what you want to do with your life, and how to get there, is an important thing to figure out, as soon as you can figure out what you want to do with your life. Discovering what you want to do in your life is often a good source of motivation to reaching your goals, whenever I start to struggle or fall behind in class I start to think about what is at stake for my future, and I ask the question, “what would I do with my life, if I couldn’t be a doctor?” Being able to have clear goals of what I want to do in my life allows me to look to the goals I have set for myself in life as a source of motivation, and work as hard as I can to reach them, even against all odds. There is good goal setting guideline that On Course …show more content…

Being able to commit to your goals and dreams and promising yourself that you will do whatever it takes to reach them, will allow you to realize that you will do whatever you can to ensure that you achieve your goal. Being able to commit to your goals, and having it written and ingrained in your mind is that it will remind you think about reaching your goals, whenever and wherever possible. Having the mindset that you will do whatever it takes to reach your goals, even if things get hard, will allow you to work fully toward your goals, and if needed to think in different ways than you normally would about reaching your goals, and thus help you to succeed. Downing also talks about other methods of committing to your goals and dreams, such as visualizing your future (after you have attained what you wanted), and how you will feel after you reached everything you have worked so hard for in the past and watching it all come to fruition. Imagining that moment that you reach your goals, and you get to step back and celebrate your goals with others who helped you along the way, and thinking of how it will affect your life and others, will help you to realize what you really want in life and how it will make you feel, will help you make wise choices and set smart goals along the way to help you reach your

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