Essay About Ho Chi Minh City

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Adam Smith said, “The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their efforts.” People struggle through tangled obstacles everyday in the gust of heat; unfortunately, they receive little appreciation. Ho Chi Minh is a hectic city labeled with hardship: a rampaging crowd and varieties of weather; blood lusting bugs and sweaty half naked Asians; the streets of a disposal site and the dark secrecy of gambling. All of these contributing factors add up to be displeasing. Nevertheless, keeping an open mind to their traditional activities, foods, and entertainment is the trail to the vivid image of heaven. Ho Chi Minh City is identified as one of the poorest suburbs in Saigon. Their activities are also classified to be “poor.” However, people are just too Americanized. When it comes to fishing, Ho Chi Minh City seems to have the upper hand because fish over there is overpopulated and they bite the bait the moment it sinks in the water. In contrast, California even during the fishing season, does not have many bait-thirsty fishes as compared to Vietnam. Also, their fishing …show more content…

They have varieties from karaoke bars to music festivals. At night is when drunk and loud elders scream at the top of their lungs in karaoke bars. Conversely, the youth strive something more dynamic. A place where music sinks into your body is where the youth belongs. There are many raves and clubs in this city filled with a friendly environment that attracts you back for more another day. There are also many elegant views in this suburb. People are able to sit on top of the world looking down on the city lights similar to the Eiffel tower dinner. Lion dancing also makes an appearance every night. The way the people dance under the lion costume accordingly with the beat of the drum makes it very intriguing. Regardless being overwhelmed by the compressing sweaty crowd, it is worth the while to watch the majestic lion leap in an alluring

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