Personal Aspects Of Personality

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Personality is defined in terms of the ways how people think, feel, and behave Over time, my life has changed in number of ways. In the same breadth, I have retained a number of life aspects over the years. My association with people, especially at the first sight, has not been easy because of emotions and the feelings I sometimes have. I have also developed in my openness, extraversion and the ability to agree to my personality. In acquisition of work experience, I have become more open to new skills, ideas and knowledge. My interaction with people has also seen me become more extraverted. In helping others during their times of need, I have improved on my level of agreeableness. I have also changed my perception about people and how I look at them in terms of personality, Character and conduct. I have, similarly, retained my conscientiousness and neuroticism. This has been because, perhaps, I have been very careful with my morality and the need for personal peace. I have also retained my feelings and attachments towards people and different aspects of life. I have the same initial feelings and attachments to people, particularly, friends and relatives. Nature and nurture, evidently, have played a significance role in changing my life. Nature has enabled me to see the world of reality and escape the imagination of a …show more content…

It is possible that I erroneously used these implicit memories to documents traits that, perhaps had been transformed for a long while. The use of distorted information can affect the analysis of the changes. Moreover, distorted information could result to misinformation effect hence confirmation of bias (Reisberg & Hertel, 2004). Misinformation effect may subsequently lead me distortedly recall events that never existed or misrepresent the events that actually happened. Bias, here, can be confirmed whenever a person only remembers things that favor them or events that they

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