Personal Values: My Personal Code Of Ethics

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Personal Code of Ethics

After investing five weeks in Ethics 302, I've learned that morals are “rules and attitudes that we live by, or are expected to live by” (University of Baltimore, 2017). Therefore, morals are related to my personal code of ethics. My personal code of ethics or conduct plays an important part in my everyday life and activities. This personal code of conduct promotes many virtues and qualities and produces my moral character. The outcomes of my moral character are integrity, courtesy, dependability, friendliness to name a few. Therefore, my moral character will determine if I'm a good person with a solid moral compass. When I think about morality and how it relates to my personal code of ethics, I'm constantly reminded …show more content…

Thinking back, I believe my personal code of ethics were influenced by my parents and my religion. As a young man, I strive to live my life based on my Christian upbringing. God is my moral strength when things get challenging and difficult with the cares of life. He reminds me when I'm faced with choices, what's right or wrong. In addition to my belief and experiences, my parents have encouraged morality in our household since birth. Okay, maybe not since birth, but early childhood. With that being said, I think I can say that I have good moral characteristics. The ethical theory that I closely follow is the Divine Command Theory. Based on the ethic's definition handout for this course, the Divine Command Theory is, “a theological theory that God has created the laws of morality; in other words, something is right because God commands it. Opposed to natural law theory, which claims that God commands something because it is right” (University of Baltimore, 2017). I try to hold this theory close because I know I can't control my moral compass without a higher deity. For example, I try to practice integrity in my life. As I think back to one of the examples in our discussion forum where we shared about …show more content…

The discussion board, articles, and ethical theories have reaffirmed my beliefs based on the issues we discussed. Week 1 set the tone for the session and I knew after that week I was in for a roller coaster ride. The discussion forum entitled, “What is a Bad Person” was very interesting and informative. Then, when we visited week 4 and discussed the details of M. Meursault whether he was evil of not, that specific discussion was very interesting. I believe my beliefs and moral convictions were evident and challenged in the two discussions mentioned above. Week five (1.10) was an excellent ending to reaffirm my beliefs. As a young boy, I struggled with my size. I always thought I was fat. My parents encouraged me that I would grow out of it. I was happy to tell people that I wore a 12 husky. Well, years later and almost six feet tall, I'm now a slim young man. Also, I mentioned in my discussion response that the three videos shown in week five should be part of the early elementary curriculum. We always strive to be something that we are not. After viewing the video, “You’re More Beautiful than You Think,” I'm more convinced that inner beauty is what counts. The video brought back memories of how insecure I was but made me remember that what's in the inside is what makes a person. To this day, people often tell me that I'm really nice, I have a pleasant disposition and I'm dependable. Those are

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