Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky, and Fault in Our Stars by John Greene

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The Victorian Era began in 1837 and ended at 1901. This era is often described as the era where important, rapid change and development in medical, and scientific knowledge occurred. Victorian Literature was also important because its major theme was the injustice taking place during this time. This was when people started to voice out their opinions and thoughts that pestered them. In addition, Victorian literature influenced the priority of importance in modern literature. By comparing the ways in which young love in literature is achieved, received, and stereotyped between the Victorian era and present day, thus the Victorian era saw love as much more of a reward for hard work an perseverance.
Today, young love is a popular genre in novels that writers tend to write about due to the way it captures the readers’ interest. The current story tropes commonly associated with the genre of ‘young love’ are love triangles, supernatural creatures, forbidden love, angst, kids being forced into a life or death situations, etc. A perfect example that contains these ‘trends’ is one of the most popular young adult novel, “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer. This series has a love triangle between the protagonist Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black. Supernatural creatures were evident throughout the whole four books, revolving around vampires and werewolves. Forbidden love was somewhat perceived during “New Moon”, when Edward Cullen had decided to stay away from Bella Swan in order to protect her from himself. Another example would be “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins. The book itself is about kids being forced into a life or death situation. The trilogy includes a love triangle between the protagonist Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, ...

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...the rest of society through his success in life, and so most men were pressured to have a more than stable life. Men and women at this time had expectations for the other due to the demanding society in which pressured both genders to act a certain way to please society.
Although it hasn’t been a long time since the Victorian era, many things have changed dramatically since then. The trends written back then and now are very different due to the way the social reception of the representation of love in literature was perceived, which helped guide and influence to what literature is today.

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