Persuasive Essay On Peer Pressure

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Throughout the United States, there are a lot of individuals who experience peer pressure. Peer pressure usually happens around the time when children are turning into an adult. Many children struggle to say “No” when many individuals keep encouraging them to try something that could be bad for them. For example, a twelve year-old girl is hanging out with her friends and they are smoking cigarettes, they keep asking her, “come on, if you don’t try it, then you are not cool,” so the twelve year-old girl eventually tried a cigarette. On the 9th of November, I interviewed two college students about how they was peer pressured as an adolescent. Kelsie Brooks, a sophomore at East Tennessee State University, she experienced peer pressure when …show more content…

They explained that their friends never forced them to act in a hostile or unfriendly matter towards another individual. Friends who force you to act in this manner should not be your friends at all because why would you treat someone in a bullying manner if that is not how you want to be treated. These two are kind hearted, they would not act this way even if they were encouraged to act in an antisocial way. Also, did you give into these types of peer pressure? What, if any, consequences did you experience as a result? Kelsie and Michael both gave into peer pressure. They are not proud of themselves for giving into the pressure and encouragement their friends kept giving, but each person learns from their mistakes. However, they did not have any consequences from their parents because they hid it from them. Although they did not have any consequences from their parents, their body gave them the consequences they needed. Kelsie had a huge headache the next morning and vomited all throughout the night. Michael had sores in his mouth around the gum area because of the constant use of chewing tobacco. Did you ever experience peer pressure that went against your personal beliefs? If so, how did you handle

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