Reflection Of A Facilitation Project

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This facilitation was the most beneficial project I have done all semester. I learned a lot about the pedagogy of teaching after watching the video with my group and you. However, one of the most beneficial parts of this project was how close I became with my facilitation group. This facilitation allowed me to make three new friends and that is something that I do not take for granted. This experience helped me to realize how many different points and concerns that a teacher must address every time they teach a lesson. I did not realize how important body language, posture, positioning in the room, and tone of voice mattered. If a teacher does not display each one of these items correctly the student can become disengaged, rowdy, or not listen. …show more content…

Each one of us worked extremely hard and divided the work up very evenly. As for myself, I think I deserve a grade of an A, probably like a 94 or 95. I gave myself a grade lower than our facilitation as a whole because I think individually we all did very well, but it is when we were together as a group that we really shined. To help with this facilitation I brainstormed ideas with everyone. I created our second rough draft of the lesson plan. We all worked together to form the groups, and to create the discussion questions. We also all worked at Jamie’s house to make the final lesson plan. After our lesson plan was finalized, I baked cookies, created the playlist, and made about fifty paper balls. I also provided the toothpicks, notecards and paper to do the evaluations on. However, when we were presenting I made a few errors. I used a couple filler words, especially towards the end of the lesson. I also did not wait for everyone to be quiet in order to give instructions, which made some of my instructions hard to hear so some students were confused. Finally, I did not spread out my eye contact enough, and sometimes my back was to the students. However, all in all I think I did a good job for my first time teaching. I used a loud and clear voice, I had enthusiasm, and I portrayed the information we wanted the students to learn in an effective manner. During this facilitation, I learned a lot about the pedagogy of

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