The Ministry In Ministry

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willing to restore and revive those that have lost their life to the secular world. God control all matters of life. It is the individual choice to made over by God. God is willing to shape, mold, and fill those purposing to surrender their all before Him. God is to be worship, praise, and glorified within a person’s bodies. Therefore, the role of preaching in ministry begins with self-examination and accountability to rightly divide the word of truth before God, not pleasing man, (2 Tim. 4:1-5, ESV). The passage of Scriptures is clearly emphasizing the charges to Timothy as well as other church leaders. The author, Thomas Hale write, “Paul gave five charges, preach the word, that is the gospel Jesus Christ, be prepared at all times, remain …show more content…

As result, a person can become humble and used mightily by God, because one’s character will reflect God and purpose to do his will for the kingdom. God does not accept any kind of representation. God is a God order and specific when his choice is an ambassador of his name. The role of preaching in ministry is not to be taken lightly. It requires empathy, compassion, patience, kindness, gentleness, love, and endurance when feeding God’s people. God’s people must be fed the word directed by God, not eisegesis. God’s words are powerful and convicting to the soul of the remorseful people. The role of preaching in ministry helps to redirect people headed for a life of destruction. Therefore, the name of Jesus Christ must be lifted high in all the earth. The role of preaching will allow a person to connect with the audience of God’ people. Therefore, the methodology of communication is to teach and preach God’s word at a level of understanding and …show more content…

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that world might be saved through him” (Jn. 3:16-17, ESV). A sermon approach should convey this type of message delivery by ways of exploiting Jesus Christ coming to do the will of his Father, God. Jesus Christ came as a servant of God. Likewise, a person’s message delivery should be as a servant of God empowered and equipped with Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul was a chosen vessel of God. God used him as a servant to minister to His people after Paul conversion and receiving the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is vital tool needed in ministry. The Holy Spirit was sent the after Jesus Christ ascended into the heavens. In closing, all ministry is God’s ministry regardless of how it is ministered to God’s people. Ray Anderson writes, All of God’s actions in history are what we mean by God’s ministry. Ministry is first of all what God does by speaking and acting within the framework of human history. God’s actions reveal God’s existence and make possible true knowledge of God. It is God’s ministry that expounds God’s nature and purpose. In obedience and response to God’s ministry, we gain knowledge of God and of ourselves. This obedient response to God’s ministry becomes our ministry which, in turn, serves as a theological exposition of God’s

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