What Is The Partnership Principles Of Community Campus Partnership?

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Establishing a relationship and genuine understanding of the environment is essential and fundamental for every stakeholder within a partnership. Although a partnership may have a long history, newly acquired stakeholders must still work their way in to understanding the unique dynamics of the partnership as well as building trust and rapport. One of the guiding partnership principles of Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (2015) focuses on how the relationship between partners must include mutual respect, genuineness, and commitment. This principle served as a central theme for two new additions to the Sport Hartford and Carson School Partnership. Additionally, the initial phase of new stakeholders (student-researchers) entering in to the partnership necessitated an additional CCPH (2015) principle be applied. This supplementary principle emphasizes the partners building upon identified strengths and assets while working to address the needs and capacity of all partners.
The study’s first phased called for the researchers to question how a partner involved in a community-campus partnership can explore and identify strengths and weaknesses within a school undergoing turn-around. Under that premise, two newly involved members of the partnership entered the setting to immerse themselves in the climate and culture. In doing …show more content…

Two new doctoral students joined Sport Hartford’s as researchers and practitioners in the pursuit of strengthening program needs and initiatives for student outcomes. They entered in to their roles by initially stepping in as participant observers for the first semester of 2014-15. As the two doctoral students worked to build up their relationships with students, teachers, and administrators, they were able to view Carson’s

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