The Wicker Husband Analysis

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We live in a world of jealousy, if something does not go the way we want it to be then we would try and find a way to mess it up. In the story, The Wicker Husband, it was about an ugly woman. She was short and was described as very horrible looking. She had no one in her family, she lived by herself in a “ramshackle house” outside of her village.
One day a girl in the village got married and the ugly girl was invited to the wedding. As she was there, she wished she had someone. “The village women gossiped about the ugly girl. They wondered what she did with the money she earnt.” (Wills-Jones). They soon figured out she got a wicker husband and got jealous of what was going to happen. The ugly girl decided she wanted a husband and outside the village, there lived an old basket-maker, “I want you to make me a husband,” she said. ‘Come back in a month,’ he replied.” (Wills-Jones). He made the ugly girl’s husband, the wicker husband, broad of shoulder and long leg, and all the other things women liked in a man. He was basically the perfect man. The wicker husband was made just for her and only her.
The wicker husband was to meet the girl at a church, he went through the village asking people to lend him clothes, shoes, and a drink for his wedding the next day. When they met each other, the ugly girl was pleased with the outcome of her husband.
The couple then enjoyed their first night of marriage together. Whatever was broken, the wicker husband would fix it. The next three days of their marriage night, whatever that needed to be fixed was fixed by him. This was basically the “perfect couple”, the wicker husband would fix things while the ugly girl would clean up and cook for him. Even though he could not eat like a normal human...

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...usband, but was told otherwise.
In the end, Marcusson should have believed what he was told because the people on the planet trapped him on their planet forever making him a zoo animal. Everything they did for him was just a part of their plan in keeping him there. In the other story, the ugly girl was proven wrong. The husband was really injured but was partially fixed. The husband told her that he was only made for her and she was crazy to believe the lies.
The theme of this short story is to appreciate what you have already and not to judge too quickly. The villagers were too quickly to act upon the couple and threaten the couple, that they did not realize what they had. They were complaining to each other and pointing out each other flaws. No one should put others down and harm others. We are given what we have for a reason and we should be thankful for it.

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